Hume Point-of-Care Fetus Monitoring
There is a need for telehealth during pregnancy. A woman visits the clinic 14 times on average when pregnant. Visits can be strenuous for the patient and most are for routine scans. Hume is a portable ultrasound and heartbeat monitor for patients to do scans and share them with physicians from home.
Clinical Visits Timeline

Telehealth Advantages

Combining Common Diagnosis Tools for Home Use

Market Gap
Opportunity for an easy-to-use point-of-care ultrasound and reliable fetal heart rate monitor.

Design Requirements & Constraints

Concept Development

Final Design

Product Circularity Since Ultrasound Components Are Expensive
Hume is to be lent out by clinics since piezo crystals can be thousands of dollars and post-pregnancy, the device will be of no use to the patient.

App to Aid in Scanning and Sharing with Clinics

Scanning Modes

Scanning Guidance
Substituting trained sonographers with app and on-device LED display. Breaking down routine fetus scans into simple steps helps patients conduct their own scans assisted by image recognition of common fetus positions for accurate guidance.

Scan Management of Past Scans & Detected Abnormalities
